Live Holiday Tree Rental
Where Christmas Meets Conservation
A Joyful New Tradition for your Holiday Celebration, Community, and Earth
Enjoy a Free Holiday Activity Guide With Simple, Fun, Climate Friendly
Ways to Celebrate the 2024 Holidays.
If the standard Christmas tree options do not feel quite right, you are in good company…
A growing number of people are not satisfied with the traditional choices for a Christmas tree. Generations of Georgians have settled for buying a live cut tree that we toss to the curb shortly after the holiday celebration . Or, resorted to purchasing an imported, tree of plastic we’ll have to reuse for the next decade to make it a more sustainable choice.
Many would love to celebrate the holidays with a live tree, if there was a more climate (& community) friendly option.
Welcome to Our Farm
Joy to the Earth Tree Farm is a local, family-owned Christmas tree farm in Mansfield, Georgia, 45 minutes from downtown Atlanta. We offer Atlanta-area residents the opportunity to cultivate a new holiday tradition, the state’s first Community Supported Forestry (CSF) program for Christmas trees!
“ It always felt a bit wasteful, and I did not like the idea of a plastic tree and storing it in my small apartment. For years we decorated our palm tree with lights and paper snowflakes. But, my husband grew up with a real Christmas tree, and missed it. This solved all my problems!” - Kristin 2023 CSF
Community Supported Forestry (CSF) is similar to Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) - but instead of getting produce from a local farmer - your getting a locally grown, Christmas tree from us. It’s yours to decorate and display over the holidays - and then it returns to our farm every year (until it’s permanently located in a Georgia Forest.)
“It’s about what people can do, what we all can do.” - Alex - 2023 CSF
We Understand
Growing up in Atlanta, we had a live, cut Christmas tree every year (I'm the young girl pictured above with my family). I still remember the joy of bringing the tree into our home, watering it, and surrounding it with lights and people I loved.
However, it always felt sad when our tree, like everyone else’s in our neighborhood, was thrown to the curb in January. While some would be ground into mulch, millions ended up in landfills - contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, that's still happening today.
Atlanta, the “City in the Forest,” is also losing an estimated half-acre of its tree canopy per day. More trees are lost in Georgia annually than in any other state in the nation.
This holiday consider fostering a tree from our farm-and Georgia’s future forest.
“I bought an artificial tree last year because I hated the idea of cutting down a tree and then discarding it. But I missed the live tree so this was a lovely solution! We loved it!” -Shannon - 2023 CSF
Create Joyful Moments & Traditions With Those You Love.
Community Supported Forestry
Joy to the Earth Tree Farm invites you to join the Metro Atlanta’s first Community Supported Forestry (CSF) for Christmas trees. A Community Supported Forester “fosters” (rents) a Christmas tree from our farm.
You foster this tree in your home for the holiday. You can water your tree and surround it with lights and people you love. The difference is that after the holiday, instead of your tree being tossed to the sidewalk, it returns to our farm, where we will continue to help it grow.
Once a tree becomes a certain size, we partner with a local tree organization to plant it in its “forever home” to join its Georgia Forest Family. Or, you can choose to purchase (“adopt”) your tree to plant on your property. Most of Georgia’s forest is located on private property - what we protect and plant at home makes a difference!
The collective impact of the trees we foster and plant as Community Supported Foresters will continue to grow and offer many social, economic, and environmental benefits for future generations of Georgians.
We believe this is a gift worth giving.
A Gift Worth Giving
Sign up below for notifications about our 2024 Holiday farm tours and the trees.
The trees are getting ready now - with the hope of being fostered over the holidays with you!
“We loved it. Sustainability is super important to me. It was especially great to involve our 9 year old and talk about why this is important and right for our family.” - Bryanne -2023 CSF
“Rooted in community, sustained with love”
Joy to the Earth Tree Farm: Community Supported Forestry